Iridiology explained: How Iridology can see inside your body and diagnose stresses and strains
Iridology does not diagnose diseases, but instead it diagnoses or analyses tissue conditions in specific areas of your body. This reveals inherent strengths and weaknesses of organs, identifying deteriorating conditions prior to any serious symptoms appearing. Both these interpretive techniques are accurate, reliable and extraordinarily useful in determining the true state of your body.
The markings or signs in the iris indicate the condition of your organs and systems of your body. They will show your constitutional strength, areas of congestion or toxic accumulations and inherent strengths and weaknesses. Iridology is a simple, painless, economical and non-invasive way to observe what is happening throughout your body.
Iridology is a very useful tool for the following:
· Areas where you may be storing toxins which might encourage the development of cancers
· Your physiological strengths and challenges
· The efficiency of your major systems including:
lymphatic drainage system
cardio vascular system
digestive system
nervous both somatic and autonomic nervous systems
skeletal system
respiratory system
muscular system
reproductive system
urinary system