What is Iridology? (click here for Sarahs YouTube explanation)
Iridology is a holistic approach taking in the whole of you, physical, emotional, historical, mental . Iridology is a technique with a long history which involves taking a close-up picture of your eye. It doesn’t hurt and it is not invasive.
The photographs of each of your eyes is then studied by Sarah who will interpret them for you using a diagram similar to the below as a guide. (The actual one Sarah uses is significantly more detailed)

Using both the information shared during your discussion with Sarah and the information illustrated by the pictures of your eyes Sarah will then get a clear picture of your overall physical and emotional health and well being picture. Sarah will document this and send you a report detailing the markings in your eye that are due to hereditary factors, and also showing issues which are current/have occurred during your lifetime. Together these two factors will show potential blockages or focuses of energy that we can work on together.
From your eyes it is possible to tell how well your body is functioning, what your stress levels are like and how you, your body, -your whole system- are coping. Sarah can (for example) gain insight also what your relationship with your mother and father was like. She can gain an understanding of systemic weaknesses and we can come together to discuss how to strengthen your body and your mind. Iridology is a holistic approach taking in the whole of you, physical, emotional, historical, mental
With Reflexology it is accepted that each area of your foot is linked to one of your internal organs. Iridology is the same in that your eyes become a reflection or recording of long term/lifetime indication of your history, current life and how you are operating
History of Iridology
Iridology is a historical practice and was widely practiced in ancient Tibet, Egypt and China.
The European wave of iridology underwent resurgence in the 1900s when a Hungarian Doctor called Dr Ignatz von Peczely was playing with an owl that happened to break one of its legs. He noticed that a black stripe appeared in one of the lower regions of the owl’s eye. As the injury improved and healed, the black stripe became a tiny black dot. He remembered this and after many years of research he correlated it and published his research in the book ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art of Healing’. His ‘Iris Chart’ was established in 1880.
At a similar time (in the 1860’s) a young Swedish boy, Nils Liljequist became ill after a vaccination which was followed up with doses of quinine and iodine. He noticed the changes in colour of his formerly blue eyes, as the drug spots appeared.
In 1870, he published a paper describing his experiences, ‘Quinine and Iodine change the Colour of the Iris’, and in 1893 published ‘Om Oegendiagnosen’, which included his ‘Iris Chart’.
These two pioneers of the European movement in iridology both created eye charts, detailing the organ structure as it appears in the eye. Liljequist and von Peczely’s ‘Iris Charts’ were very similar. These charts were improved upon until now we have tow main schools of Iridology. Sarah works and has studied using Jenson’s techniques and is fully qualified in iris diagnosis and vitalist healing. Sarahas consultations will guide you through changes you can make for a complete systemic improvement.
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